Alex Tierney - January's Artistic Spotlight

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

In the ebb and flow of the music industry, some artists captivate listeners with their unique perspective and unwavering commitment to authenticity. As we step into the new year, Next Wave Magazine proudly shines a spotlight on Alex Tierney, a singer-songwriter whose distinct voice and genuine approach set him apart in the industry.

Alex Tierney's musical journey finds its roots in the melodies that filled his childhood, courtesy of his father's band. Those early experiences fostered a deep-seated passion for creating music. In his own words, "My dad was in a band when he was younger, so naturally my brother and I started learning guitar when we were kids, and I moved onto piano too shortly after."

One of Tierney's major musical influences is Justin Vernon from Bon Iver. Beyond the sonic aspects, it's Vernon's approach to the craft that resonates with Tierney: "I love everything he's been part of. I also love the way he speaks about his craft; it's super inspirational and helps keep the magic of creating alive for me."

Discussing the hurdles of breaking into the music industry, Tierney sheds light on the challenge to stand out: "Trying to get noticed among the thousands of artists trying to 'make it' at any one time. Just knowing that people are actually hearing your music can be so important for keeping the confidence and motivation there to keep going."

Tierney emphasizes the role of social media in his music promotion journey: "Social media has been the biggest tool for me, particularly Instagram and TikTok. It can be so easy to fall into the mysterious songwriter trope, but I think fans react better to the real you." Sharing insights into his evolving online presence, Tierney reflects on finding a balance: "At times it can feel like being consistent with online posting is the only game in town, but I think you just need to find a balance that works for you."

To fellow up-and-coming musicians, Tierney offers advice: "Try not to be too hard on yourself. The songs will come, the gigs will come, nothing happens for everybody in the same way or at the same rate. You just gotta stay true to what fulfills you creatively, work hard and trust the process."

Looking beyond the immediate horizons of his burgeoning career, Alex Tierney articulates long-term goals that reflect both a passion for his craft and a desire to forge meaningful connections through music. While the prospect of achieving widespread success is undoubtedly enticing, Tierney's primary ambition resonates with a deeply rooted love for creating art that speaks to his soul.

In his own words, Tierney expresses a genuine longing to "make art that I love," a sentiment that encapsulates the essence of his artistic journey. His aspirations extend beyond mere commercial triumphs, emphasizing the pursuit of authenticity and artistic fulfillment. For Tierney, the ultimate goal is to create music that resonates not only with himself but also with a dedicated audience, fostering a genuine connection that transcends the confines of the industry.

Recounting a standout moment from his musical journey, Tierney shares the magic of opening for Lewis Capaldi at Dublin's iconic Olympia Theatre: "Looking out at a full Olympia Theatre in Dublin while opening for Lewis Capaldi was extremely memorable. It was magical."

Offering a glimpse into his creative process, Tierney describes how inspiration sparks his songwriting: "Inspiration can come in many forms, but a lot of the time it feels like there's an itch to scratch. Sometimes 3 hours pass in what feels like half an hour because you're just hyper-focused but in a slightly trance-like way."

His debut single, "Over The Maybes," serves as an introduction to Tierney's emotive and introspective songwriting. Born during the lockdown, the track delicately explores the nuances of human connection. Layered with a soulful R&B vibe, it unfolds a narrative where emotions linger between certainty and hesitation, echoing the universal sentiments of love and vulnerability. The song's success, with over 50,000 streams in its first month, is a testament to Tierney's ability to strike a chord with audiences seeking authenticity in music.

When asked about the ideal introduction to his music for first-time listeners, Tierney recommends "Over The Maybes": "I think it's a nice balance of being chill but you can bop your head to it and it shows off my melody style with heartfelt intimate lyrics, so it makes it a palatable opener for people who haven't heard anything of mine before."

Continuing his musical journey with "Painkiller," Tierney showcases his versatility by seamlessly integrating hip-hop-style drums and production into his signature hybrid style. The track not only highlights his commitment to experimentation but also underscores his capacity to evolve within the realm of his own sound. As Tierney navigates the ever-shifting landscape of his musical expression, his melodic craftsmanship and poignant lyrics consistently invite listeners into an intimate and engaging sonic experience.

As we delve into the essence of Alex Tierney's musical journey, his sincerity and passion for creating resonate through every chord and lyric. January's Artist of the Month, Tierney's trajectory promises a continued exploration of authentic soundscapes that connect with audiences on a profound level.


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Artist Advent Day 30: Alex Tierney