Artist Advent Day 18: Nick Folwarczny

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

As we celebrate the 18th day of Next Wave's artist advent, we bring you an exclusive interview with the talented musician, Nick Folwarczny, who has captivated audiences with his soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. In this insightful conversation, Nick shares the inspirations behind his musical journey, his influences, and the challenges he faced breaking into the industry.

As the interview unfolds, Nick provides insights into his creative process, emphasizing the fluidity of his approach. From playing guitar until a line sparks in his mind to building demos simultaneously with songwriting, Nick's creative process is a testament to the organic and personal nature of his craft.


Next Wave: What inspired you to pursue music?

Nick: Music has always been a crucial part of my life. I’m the only person in my family that plays any sort of instrument, but my parents have always been there to support me. They put me in lessons when I was younger, they bought me my first keyboard, they bought me my first acoustic guitar, and always encouraged me.

Next Wave: Who are your musical influences or role models?

Nick: My biggest influence is Noah Kahan. I’ve kept up with his music since 2019, and it’s honestly changed my life. I used to practice production by trying to recreate his records and while I never quite got it right, I still learned a lot.

Another huge influence is David Kushner. A majority of my earlier stuff is heavily inspired by Miserable Man and Mr. Forgettable – I was addicted to how he layered his vocals in those records.

I also have to give credit to The Lumineers. I grew up listening to every single one of their records and I would always choose Sleep on the Floor or Cleopatra when asked to sing a song. I’ve probably seen their music videos for Cleopatra and III over a dozen times.

Next Wave: What's the most challenging aspect of breaking into the music industry?

Nick: Without a doubt, the hardest part of getting into the industry is getting the initial traction. I started posting piano videos to TikTok in 2019, and didn’t really see any growth until 2022 when I started advertising my record The Weatherman. The next challenge was keeping people interested. If you advertise a song and don’t put it out for a couple months then people are going to forget about it, but you need to give yourself ample time to make sure the record is ready for release.

Next Wave: How do you go about promoting your music and building your fanbase?

Nick: TikTok and Reels have changed my life. As difficult as it is to break through the algorithm, it’s so rewarding when you finally do. I also try to go live on TikTok a couple times a week to engage with people in real-time and sing some of my songs.

Next Wave: How has technology and the internet impacted your music career?

Nick: I wouldn’t be where I am now without the internet.

Next Wave: Do you have any advice for other up-and-coming musicians trying to make it in the industry?

Nick: I can’t say that I’ve necessarily “made it” yet, but the biggest thing that I’ve learned thus far is that most people are just like you – making music and doing their thing. It’s also super important to learn how to produce, even if it’s just the basics. I produce a majority of my stuff but when working with other producers, it’s super helpful to be able to use

terms that make sense. I also find it funny that everyone I’ve met has been super chill. I used to have this impression that the music industry was super formal, but in my first studio session we got In-N-Out and talked about how good the animal style fries were.

Next Wave: What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

Nick: My biggest goal is to meet Noah Kahan. I’ll probably sound like a broken record, but he’s genuinely changed my life. I also want to sell out Newport Music Hall. It’s a venue in Columbus, OH that I used to joke about seeing “Nick Folwarczny” on the marquee, and I really want that to become a reality.

Next Wave: Can you share a memorable moment from your musical journey so far?

Nick: In October, I flew out to LA to meet my managers and work with a producer named Jon Gilbert on a record I wrote called Miss Ohio. I’d been a fan of his work on Mt. Joy’s Mt. Joy, so to be in the same studio that they recorded that album on was super surreal.

Next Wave: Can you share a little about your creative process and how you come up with new ideas for songs?

Nick: I don’t really have a set-in-stone creative process. I’ll usually sit at my desk and play my guitar until a line pops into my head. If I like the line, then I’ll continue to write it. I also find it helpful to produce the demo while writing the song. A majority of the time I can hear what I want the song to sound like so rather than let that escape me, I build it as I go. Voice memos are also crucial. All of my songs start with a voice memo.

Next Wave: What song, ep or album of yours would you recommend to someone who is listening to your music for the first time?

Nick: The Weatherman.

Find Nick Folwarczny on Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.


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