Artist Advent Day 2: Nightbreakers

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

Welcome to another exciting addition of "24 Days of New Artists.” In this series, we take you on a journey of discovery, introducing you to the most promising and innovative talents in the music world. Today, we have a captivating and electrifying band, Nightbreakers, under our spotlight.

Hailing from diverse musical backgrounds and experiences, Nightbreakers have come together to create a sound that's as unique as it is invigorating. With influences spanning the spectrum from pop-punk to iconic rock legends, this group has perfected the art of crafting music that resonates with audiences across the globe. Their story is one of passion, perseverance, and an unyielding commitment to their craft.

As we dive into this interview, we'll unravel the inspiration behind Nightbreakers' music, explore their musical influences and role models, and gain valuable insights into their creative process. Additionally, we'll discuss the challenges of breaking into the music industry, their strategies for building a dedicated fanbase, and the transformative impact of technology and the internet on their musical journey.


Next Wave: What inspired you to pursue music?

Nightbreakers: We’ve all been surrounded by music since childhood, and even today, we find inspiration by listening to the artists we grew up with, hoping to one day have the same impact they had.

Next Wave: Who are your musical influences or role models?

Nightbreakers: We listen to a bit of everything. Some of our favorites include Fall Out Boy, Blink-182, The 1975, and 5SOS. But our influence comes from the wide range of artists we enjoy, from Katy Perry and Justin Bieber to Journey and Bon Jovi.

Next Wave: What's the most challenging aspect of breaking into the music industry?

Nightbreakers: Finding what works for you is a challenge. Everyone has their own vision of what will “work,” but every artist is different. That’s why versatility and experimentation are crucial, not just in our music but in how we market ourselves too.

Next Wave: How do you go about promoting your music and building your fanbase?

Nightbreakers: We use social media as our primary marketing tool. When done right, it allows us to create amazing connections with our audience. Also, playing live is invaluable. We love performing for people, hoping that with each show, the voices in the crowd get a bit louder.

Next Wave: How has technology and the internet impacted your music career?

Nightbreakers: It has significantly eased getting our name out there. It's mind-blowing when someone from a place we've never been finds us and invites us to perform there.

Next Wave: Do you have any advice for other up-and-coming musicians trying to make it in the industry?

Nightbreakers: Grind it out! Make connections! Have fun! Wherever you are in the industry, it can be tough, but strong connections and enjoying what you do will keep you where you need to be.

Next Wave: What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

Nightbreakers: We want to tour and release music indefinitely. It's easier said than done, but we aim to create a community around our music that sustains us for years.

Next Wave: Can you share a memorable moment from your musical journey so far?

Nightbreakers: The past few years have been amazing; it’s hard to pick just one moment. A recent standout memory was when we visited Seattle, and people there had been waiting for us to tour for years. They knew every word, already had our merch, and it felt incredible to have such support thousands of miles from home!

Next Wave: Can you share about your creative process and how you come up with new song ideas?

Nightbreakers: Our writing process is all over the place; inspiration comes from many sources. We start with a lyrical or musical idea and experiment. Once we've something solid, we bring it to band practice. We love playing songs together early on to feel how they work live.

Next Wave: What song, EP, or album would you recommend to first-time listeners?

Nightbreakers: Each of us might suggest something different, but personally, I think the “Feelings” EP is a great start. It showcases everything we have to offer. Also, “Attention” is a song we're incredibly proud of and has been very successful for us.

Find Nightbreakers on Instagram, Twitter and Spotify.


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