Artist Advent Day 20: Claire Nichols

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

Welcome to Day 20 of Next Wave Magazine's Artist Advent! Today, we have the pleasure of diving into the creative world of Claire Nichols, a talented musician who has been making waves with her captivating songs and unique style. In this exclusive interview, Claire shares insights into her musical journey, influences, and the challenges and triumphs of breaking into the industry. From her admiration for artists like Sara Bareilles to the impact of technology on her career, Claire provides a candid look into the life of an up-and-coming musician. As she navigates the uncertain terrain of the music industry, Claire's dedication to her craft and fearless approach to creativity shine through. Join us as we explore the mind and music of Claire Nichols, a rising star with dreams of making a lasting mark on the world of sound.


Next Wave: What inspired you to pursue music?

Claire: For as long as I can remember, I have found myself making up silly little songs and when I started seriously committing to writing I discovered that music felt like the most truthful way I could communicate. I love having the ability to capture and box something that is as inherently intangible as human emotion. I think I would experience a lot of regret if I didn’t at least try my hand at the music industry!

Next Wave: Who are your musical influences or role models?

Claire: I am a huge fan of Sara Bareilles’ lyricism and really admire her career! I spent a lot of time listening to artists like Billie Holliday and Chet Baker growing up and jazz has been a big influence on my music.

Next Wave: What's the most challenging aspect of breaking into the music industry?

Claire: Uncertainty! I think the grind is really enjoyable, and I’m really happy spending time working on my craft, but some people spend their whole lives fighting for a career that never pops… It's really scary that there is no guaranteed success or security.

Next Wave: How do you go about promoting your music and building your fanbase?

Claire: I have spent a lot of time and energy on TikTok and instagram… The only reason any of my songs have over 1000 streams is because of TikTok. I started playing shows this year and that has also been super helpful in finding new fans! I was lucky enough to play Oceans Calling Music Festival by submitting my music to a competition hosted by Ones to Watch, which is a super sick music blog.

Next Wave: How has technology and the internet impacted your music career?

Claire: It has opened up the whole world to me! I don’t know if I would be much of anywhere without it… but of course it’s a double edged sword. It definitely forces me into constant comparison with other artists, and opens my eyes to all the things I wish I had… but mostly I try to focus on the upsides of technology because it can be a negative spiral to initiate.

Next Wave: Do you have any advice for other up-and-coming musicians trying to make it in the industry?

Claire: Get over the idea of being cringey. Pursuing something and going out on a limb means you are inevitably going to fail over and over again PUBLICLY. The most embarrassing thing is to have never really tried your hand at something you care about, especially if your only excuse is fear of judgment.

Next Wave: What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

Claire: First and foremost, I want to figure out how to make a living off of writing songs and spending every day in the studio. This one is a little far out but I think it would be really sick to collaborate with Skrillex one day… that man is such a genius haha. Some of my other dream collabs include Dua Lipa, Charli XCX, or Olivia Rodrigo! Honestly I just want to write the biggest songs in the world- but right now I’m focussing on breaking even.

Next Wave: Can you share a memorable moment from your musical journey so far?

Claire: I played a show a couple weeks ago in NYC and I played one of my older songs, “Aperol Spritz” and I was shocked to find most of the crowd knew the song and sang all the words! The crowd was made up of mostly classmates who I had met recently and it was really special to me to see that they all had listened to and loved the song as much as I did.

Next Wave: Can you share a little about your creative process and how you come up with new ideas for songs?

Claire: I am always writing! I write down almost every thought I ever have in my notes app on my phone and am able to explore and develop those into full songs when I have time to sit down at the piano. Oftentimes, full songs will sort of fall into my lap when I am out running errands or walking in nature. I feel really lucky to be tapped into whatever musical force exists out there in the universe and to be able to channel that energy.

Next Wave: What song, ep or album of yours would you recommend to someone who is listening to your music for the first time?

Claire: I would have people listen to Aperol Spritz followed by Flea Market Furniture. Not only are they my favorite songs on my project, I also think they mutually encompass the different moods and energies in my work.

Find Claire Nichols on Instagram and Spotify.


Artist Advent Day 21: Badlands.


Artists Advent Day 19th: LEHI