Artist Advent Day 27: Oscar Harlech

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

Welcome to Day 27 of Next Wave's Artist Advent Calendar, where we unwrap the talent and stories behind some of the most promising artists on the scene. Today, we present an exclusive interview with the captivating Oscar Harlech, an artist whose journey is as unique and heartfelt as his music.

In this revealing interview, Oscar Harlech shares the influences that shape his distinctive sound, drawing inspiration from legends like Ian Dury, The Jam, Joy Division, and Gerry Cinnamon. We delve into the challenges he faces in carving a niche in the music industry, exploring the delicate balance between standing out and staying true to oneself.


Next Wave: What inspired you to pursue music?

I think when you grow up in a place that is so dominated by football a big part of growing up is filled by wanting to be a footballer but when you get to your teenage years and realize that isn't going to happen you start to get interested in other things and for me that was music. I grew up in a music household there was never a time when something wasn't playing and when I started to discover my own music and go to gigs, seeing how music can make a crowd of 50,000 people bounce around made me realize that this is something I want.

Next Wave: Who are your musical influences or role models?

There are so many. In terms of the music I make I'm very influenced by Ian Dury, The Jam, Joy Division amd Gerry Cinnamon a sort of blend of their attributes. However when I was growing up there was only one person I wanted to be and that was Elvis, my nan used to show me his videos and songs when I would go round to hers and it has carried on into my twenties.

Next Wave: What's the most challenging aspect of breaking into the music industry?

I'd say its trying to fit into that gap in the market. There are so many brilliant musicians around today making fantastic tunes but trying to be unique and create something new to stand out from others is definitely one of the biggest challenges, but it is also a strength as I feel it can really push you on to be better than you are.

Next Wave: What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

I want to leave something behind. I'm not really bothered about being 'successful' or making money from it but I want to know that when I'm no longer here I will have left something of value behind that goes way beyond my lifetime. That would be special.

Next Wave: Can you share a memorable moment from your musical journey so far?

It has to be releasing my debut single. I remember the days leading up to it and being so nervous for the reaction and then when the day did come round seeing people on twitter talking about it and getting messages complimenting me really meant a lot. For the first time in a long time I was proud of myself, and that's a great feeling.

Next Wave: Can you share a little about your creative process and how you come up with new ideas for songs?

At the moment, I do it all on my own. I find pieces of music and I give the track a good few listens through to get a feel and build a story in my head that reflects back onto the music. Once I've got a good foundation, I'll plug my headphones in and start freestyling over it. I do this because when I have nothing written down my mind flows more freely. Once I've cracked the vibe and a melody, I open up my notebook and start to make adjustments to what I've got in there, which will then take me into actually singing and laying the song down. Doing it all on my own means I'm able to expand on my own ideas without restrictions. It's just me in my bedroom trying to make something of myself.


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