Bizzy Turns The Page For New Musical Era

Written by: Bhumika

Nashville based pop-artist, BIZZY, is ready for the next musical chapter with her newest single, ‘Default Setting.’ BIZZY kickstarted this new era with a show in New York on September 6, 2024, at the Bowery Ballroom which was electric! 

While BIZZY has been songwriting since the age of twelve, BIZZY was laser focused until seventeen to make her dream of becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist a reality. A back injury, however, made her hobby come front and center. Funnily, the switch to music from competitive swimming came naturally and she has not looked back since. 

BIZZY gained momentum when she posted a clip of her song “Anybody” to TikTok in April 2022. Like wildfire, the song gained over 12M streams across platforms and is still one of her favorite tracks. Most recently, BIZZY released her debut EP, ‘I Don’t Get Breakups,’ a 6-track anthem and signed her first record deal with Big Loud Rock. BIZZY is excited to soon share with fans all that she has in store for them! 

NEXT WAVE: What role did writing songs for other artists play in your career as a musician?

BIZZY: I started writing for other folks when I started school at Belmont University. I started school knowing I wanted to be a singer and aware there were a million steps in between to get there, but had no idea what that looked like. It was a rude awakening to be amongst students who played Mozart since they were two years old while I could barely play three strings on the guitar. So clearly, I was too scared to be the artist, which meant I was going to sit in the writer’s room and learn how to write songs for (and with) other people. Only after three years of doing that did I vocalize the desire that’s always been there: I want to write for myself and be the artist.

Writing songs for others allowed me to weed out a lot of lessons that I did not have to necessarily learn myself, sort of like a little sister.

NEXT WAVE: Through these experiences, what was your biggest takeaway? 

BIZZY: The biggest thing I stand on is authenticity. While there is a level of branding, you must stay true to yourself through all your changing and growing as an artist. After all, it is that human aspect that fans can connect to. My Dad called  me BIZZY growing up, which really came in clutch because this name just feels like a hug. BIZZY very much felt like me and who I represent as a singer and an artist. 

NEXT WAVE: What did taking the leap towards becoming the artist look like? 

BIZZY: I reached out to the select few who were champions of mine and asked them about the artist thing, and they immediately said “heck yeah”. In 2020, I started wrapping my head around writing for myself, and wrote ‘Anybody.’  

NEXT WAVE: Take us back to the moment ‘Anybody’ went viral on TikTok?

BIZZY: I used to work at this Taco shop. I was late for work, and was learning how to promote music as an artist, so I took my friend's advice and posted a snippet on TikTok. I filmed a little intro before playing the song and half of it got cut off, but I decided to post it anyway. I was in the middle of my shift carrying chips and guac to a table, and my phone was blowing up. It was the groupchat with my sisters, saying that the song was going viral. I couldn’t believe it!

NEXT WAVE: Was there a reason you released ‘Anybody’ as your first song?

BIZZY: “Anybody” was the first song that felt like me: it was honest and happy with a little bit of sass. When I listen to that song, it still feels like me. 

NEXT WAVE: How was your creative process different for “Default Setting” from “Anybody”?

BIZZY: My writing process is the same: I word vomit. Writing is like a therapy session for me. ‘Default Setting’ is about a guy who I looped back to and could not get over. We actually wrote the song in 2022, but I have been trying to figure out where I sit production wise. When I finally felt this song found its niche, we decided we were ready to release it. I had the idea for the visuals for ‘Default Setting’ since I recorded it on my voice memos, which was brought to life in the music video! This definitely feels like the next chapter for BIZZY as an artist.

NEXT WAVE: What inspired you to write “Default Setting” and was there a moment you knew that you had to release it as a single and could not wait for an EP?

BIZZY: ‘Default Setting’ is the next chapter. I thought about putting it on the EP, ‘I Don’t Get Breakups,’ but it did not really fit sonically or storyline wise. “When It Ends” felt like the last chapter of the music I had been putting out. This single feels a little bit shifted from that era. Plus, it has been a long-time favorite, so I wanted it to stand alone.

NEXT WAVE: What is a song you have had the most fun with so far and is there one you love to perform live?

BIZZY: I actually love to perform ‘Default Setting’ live, and the song I have had the most fun with is one that is unreleased. What I love about this track is that the track locks into a new sound, and I wrote it with my best friend. When we were producing it, all these ideas were just flowing and it felt very organic. 

NEXT WAVE: You celebrated your birthday weekend releasing new music and performing live – what were you most excited about?

BIZZY: All of it! A lot of my friends live in New York and seeing them in the audience is always such a blast. I love this about touring too: seeing my loved ones and meeting fans – it all feels like a hug. 

NEXT WAVE: Is there something you learned from touring last year that you are excited to work on this time?

BIZZY: I have started to run my set in my house where I sprint back and forth in the hallways for breath work. I love how high-energy my shows are, but that means I am panting mid-way and might be off-key because I am so out of breath. So, I have been building up my live-show stanima by running my little hallways (laughs). 

NEXT WAVE: What advice do you have for other musicians starting out?

BIZZY: Do it, don’t be scared. It does get better. Just keep going and things will pan out slowly. You cannot control how they pan out, but you can put the work in. 

NEXT WAVE: What do you hope listeners take away from your music?

BIZZY: Have fun, do not take life too seriously. We are all in this dumpster fire together, so we can be sad together and be happy together. 

NEXT WAVE: If somebody is new to your music, which track would you recommend?

BIZZY: “Anybody” and “Default Setting”.

NEXT WAVE: What can we look forward to from you in the future and what is a bucket list item you hope to check off soon? 

BIZZY: Lots of new music coming and maybe a couple of shows. I do not want to jinx it, but I want to play Merriweather Pavilion in my hometown. It’s where I saw Ed Sheeran perform, who is an icon to me, and was a turning point for me where I realized I wanted to do something with music. Who knows, but let’s put it into the universe. 

As BIZZY dropped her new single Default Setting, it’s clear that her journey is only getting started. From her electrifying New York performance to her heartfelt reflections in songwriting, BIZZY is embracing every step of her musical evolution with enthusiasm and authenticity. Her blend of passion, resilience, and fun is what makes her stand out, and it’s exciting to think about where she’ll take us next. Keep an eye out for more music and live shows from this rising star—you won’t want to miss what’s coming up for BIZZY!






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