Jordan Suaste Talks TikTok Fame, Self-Love, and New EP 'maybe i already am'

Written by: Keyali Mikaela

In the ever-evolving world of modern pop music, few artists have made as impactful an entrance as Jordan Suaste. The 23-year-old singer/songwriter has captivated audiences worldwide with his authentic lyrics and radiant personality, using social media platforms like TikTok to propel his music into the limelight. With his new single "heaven" and the upcoming EP “Maybe I already am” set for release, Jordan continues to champion themes of self-worth, love, and acceptance.

In this exclusive interview with Next Wave, Jordan opens up about his journey to viral fame, the personal experiences that shape his music, and the importance of staying true to oneself. From the excitement of his first viral moment to the heartfelt stories shared by fans, Jordan's story is a testament to the power of authenticity in the digital age. Join us as we delve into the mind of this rising star, exploring his creative process, inspirations, and hopes for the future.

Next Wave: How has TikTok played a role in your career, and what was your reaction when you first saw your music going viral on the platform?

Jordan: TikTok has honestly played such a massive role in being where I am today. I first started using the app in 2020 and it very quickly changed my life. The first time I went viral I remember running into my mom’s room so full of excitement and joy. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to be seen on a viral level for my music. So it was very surreal.

Next Wave: What advice would you give to other aspiring musicians looking to leverage social media to share their music?

Jordan: I think that the best advice I could offer to any musicians that are in the process of growing their following is to be consistent. Nowadays, unless you get extremely lucky, it unfortunately isn’t enough to just have good music. You really need to be willing to invest your time and energy into consistently being active on social media. Just try and remember to be authentic and post what feels right to you!

Next Wave: Have you found that your identity influences the themes or topics you explore in your music? If so, how?

Jordan: Oh definitely! I think that so much of the music that I write is about my experiences and the situations or emotions that I feel/go through. Though, not every song is entirely about me, I think one of the most fun parts about music is that you really get to play with fantasy and reality when writing. What matters most to me about a song is that it is authentic and the feelings are genuine though.

Next Wave: You've built a strong connection with your fan base. Can you share a memorable interaction you've had with a fan that really touched you?

Jordan: There have been so many amazing moments that it is hard to just choose one. But if I have to, the other day I had a fan send me a dm on instagram and they let me know that they used my song “love who you want to” to come out to their family. I won’t go into too much detail regarding their situation, but the outcome was really wonderful. I think it’s so crazy that people listen to the songs I write, and I’m just so eternally grateful that I’m able to help people in some small way.

Next Wave: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Jordan: This question is always a tough one for me to answer because I admire so many different artists. As of right now though, I’d have to say it’s between Sam Smith, Miley Cyrus, or Sabrina Carpenter. I’ve been a huge fan of all of them for so long now and think they are all such amazing artists. Hopefully someday I’ll get to sing with them !

Next Wave: The project 'maybe i already am' focuses on self-love and acceptance. Can you explain more about what inspired this theme and what you hope listeners take away from it?

Jordan: The theme of ‘maybe I already am’ is something that’s been with me for the past few years. I’ve actually gone through multiple different versions of the EP and have gone through a few different names, but the sentiment of self love has always been very consistent. In the end I chose to name the project ‘maybe I already am’, because I found myself constantly wishing I was special. Or wishing that I was more unique/talented. But after sitting with those feelings I realized that maybe instead of trying to change the way I am to fit into what I thought was more “special” I just had to love and accept the parts of me that already were. Maybe I already am special.

Next Wave: How do you practice self-love in your own life, and what message do you hope to impart to your fans through this project?

Jordan: I think that self love is so incredibly important and should always be prioritized. To me it’s as simple as making sure I get enough sleep or taking some time to play games with my friends. I’m not always the best at it and it comes in waves, but I feel like that’s so normal and just a part of life. I hope that when people listen to the project they connect with the sentiment that it isn’t always good, but isn’t always bad either. A lot of the record has to do with the theme of accepting my queerness and dealing with religious ideals that have been taught to me. I hope that anyone struggling with similar issues can find solace in the fact they aren’t alone.

Next Wave: How do you handle creative blocks or periods of uninspiration when working on new music?

Jordan: I get so mad. Haha, I am not the type of person who enjoys not being able to get things done efficiently. So when I feel like I’m holding myself back because I can’t find the right lyrics or melody it gets really tough. I think that I’ve done a good job at learning to be more patient though. I’ve realized throughout the years that sometimes, it’s just harder to write a song and that’s okay! As annoying as it is, I think that those moments are great opportunities to go out and explore life. Maybe get some more writing Inspo!


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