Review: Cyberspace by Keep For Cheap

In preparation to release their sophomore album, Keep For Cheap released their single “Cyberspace” on 7/25/24. It is the third single the band has released from the upcoming album, and it has fans filled to the brim with anticipation for the full tracklist.

Keep For Cheap is a self-described prairie rock group from Minnesota. Their music reflects heartfelt personal experiences, resonating with queer lovers, those lost in nostalgia, and anyone who enjoys a little bit of whimsy. Though their Instagram following is relatively small, they pull in 11.9k monthly listeners on Spotify, and I anticipate this number will rise upon the release of their second album.

With “Cyberspace” being the third release off of the upcoming album, the bar was already set high. Keep For Cheap’s previous singles “Lakehouse” and “FedEx” rightfully earned widespread praise and fans instantly fell in love with the new era of music. However, the band effortlessly outdid themselves with this thought-provoking piece.

If you’ve ever gone through the internal process of wondering whether you’re truly living your life for you, be prepared for an emotional roller coaster. Immediately raising the question, “Where does human waste go in cyberspace?” Keep For Cheap draws listeners into a deeper self-reflective state. As the song continues, more questions are raised, such as “Should I give out to any takers each place I go?” and “Do I need you to know I’ve been there?”. Whether they need us to know it or not, everyone will know Keep For Cheap has been here after the introspective trance brought upon by “Cyberspace”.

Accompanying the profound lyrics are the alluring choices made musically. Towards the middle of the song, echoey production causes listeners to feel like they’re floating, drifting aimlessly through space. Beautifully written guitar melodies and minimalistic drum parts create the perfect blend throughout the piece and contribute to the overall trance-like feeling.

As the song builds, listeners are pulled from their reflective state, creating the perfect balance between a meaningful connection and an enjoyable escape. Many music fans enjoy the songs they listen to because there’s a mix of relatability and enjoyability, and Keep For Cheap has mastered the ability to deliver this. “Cyberspace” provides just the right ratio of existential crisis to chill vibes and creates an overall positive experience for listeners.

As the song ends, it circles back to the question “Where does human waste go in cyberspace?”. The wrap around reinforces the feelings that the song brings up for listeners while bringing the song to a charming closure. The music fades out and listeners are left with the immediate urge to put the song on repeat, because just once wasn’t nearly enough to get the full experience of this piece.

Whether you’re a long time Keep For Cheap fan or this is the first you’re hearing of them, “Cyberspace” will have you falling in love. To stay up to date on more releases from Keep For Cheap, follow them on Instagram or Spotify.


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