Unquiet Nights’ Seasons In Exile is cinematic magic

Written by: Aura R

Northern Ireland and Italy based trio Unquiet Nights’ third LP has been described as their most ambitious and absorbing yet. And after giving it a thorough listen, I completely agree.

The album is made up of ten tracks, each one with its own complexity and uniqueness, yet they come together to create a conceptual album that brings to mind the haunting works of Dream Theater’s ‘Scenes From a Memory’. Which might be an obscure reference to some readers, but trust me…It's a good thing.

The album tells a story of a mysterious character named Diamond and a man referred to as The Missing Son over the course of the album, the rock influences are clear as day. With a mix of classic, glam and progressive rock touches is a magnetic body of work that should be listened to top to bottom.

Unquiet Nights created their third LP in their own studio Credential Sound which they assembled themselves. Singer/guitarist Luke Mathers says that having their own patch of land helped usher in this exciting new era of creativity for the band: “There's definitely an evolution to the sound that has come out of having our own studio. A lot of times after playing through the initial structure of my song idea, while we're still recording we will start bending the rhythm into a different time signature, or just suddenly change key for the sake of seeing what happens. Many of these sections ended up being used and the spontaneity of it is a massive factor on this album.”

Well, let me tell you that it shows. We have an amazing album on our hands that should not go unnoticed. Especially for those into rock sounds with an indie twist. It’s brimming with soaring guitars, pounding percussion and sharp hooks.

A high point for me is the song ‘You Are My Wilderness’ with its compelling pounding drums, heartfelt raspy vocals plus an incredible bass line and some great guitar progressions. Pure rock.

Listening to this album truly is like watching a movie. One that you should not want to miss.

You can listen to Unquiet Nights here.


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