What Did You Expect From The Vaccines? A Night of a Lifetime.

Written by: Aubyn Rodgers

On February 21, 2024, The Vaccines took the stage in Leeds, delivering an energetic performance to a crowd of 2,300. The stage was adorned with carnations, setting the scene for their sixth album, 'Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations.'

The night began with 'Love To Walk Away,' a fan favorite from their recent album. Despite the album being out for just over a month, it was a pleasant surprise to witness the crowd passionately singing along to the lyrics. The show featured several hits from their previous albums, including classics like 'Wreckin’ Bar (Ra Ra Ra)' and 'Post Break Up Sex.' The Vaccines showcased their enduring brilliance, captivating fans of all ages. Selling out nearly 100% of shows across the UK, even 14 years after their debut, is a remarkable achievement.

The concert seamlessly blended old favorites with new tracks from their latest album. In response to a fan request, they debuted 'Sunkissed' (track 6 on their new record), with Justin Young, the lead singer, humorously noting that fan requests are not a usual practice, calling it his "one good deed of the year." This was followed by electrifying performances of 'Headphones Baby' and 'Jump Off the Top' from their fifth album, 'Back In Love City,' keeping the energy levels high and prompting a lively mosh pit.

After delivering crowd-pleasers like 'If You Wanna' and 'All in White,' The Vaccines briefly left the stage, only to be met with enthusiastic calls for an encore.

The encore featured 'All My Friends Are Falling in Love' as the penultimate song of the night, following 'Norgaard.' Justin engaged with the crowd, letting them take over the singing halfway through, creating a memorable and intimate moment. The entire night was a testament to The Vaccines' prowess as performers, leaving an indelible mark on the memories of all who attended.


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Red Rum Club - HMV Manchester, England, 21st February 2024