Artist Advent Day 23: Valkyrie

Written by: freya zaidi

Welcome to day 23 of our series, in this exclusive interview, delve into the challenges and triumphs of their music career, navigating the complexities of the industry's dynamics and the significance of independence. Get insights into their creative process, from instrumental inspirations to personal stories shaping their songs. Explore the artist's recommendations, including the deeply personal track "Life Codes," offering a profound glimpse into their journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.

NW: What inspired you to pursue music?

V: An appreciation for the craft, the desire for self expression. I've played a ton of instruments growing up and I have always felt a deep connection to music. I also have a passion for poetry and literature. Pursuing music is following my heart in every way. A nudge from a friend encouraged me to get back into it after a long break.

NW: Who are your musical influences or role models?

V: I have a wide range of musical influences. Wu-tang was a huge inspiration for me. Black Thought, Nas, Tupac, Eminem, Prince, Erykah Badu, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, and many more. Female emcees paved the way for sure. Roxanne Shante, MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill, Missy Elliot, immediately come to mind as artists that heavily influenced me as an artist as well.

NW: What's the most challenging aspect of breaking into the music industry?

V: The most challenging aspect of breaking into the industry for me is working with the right people. It can be difficult for everyone to be on the same page regarding timing, availability, and even loyalty in some cases. Being consistent and educated are very important to be successful in this space.

NW: How do you go about promoting your music and building your fanbase?

V: Honestly, I have to get better with promotions. I just post when possible on social media and have created a buzz through word of mouth. I know that my upcoming shows will also have a positive impact on building the fanbase as well. It's all about exposure.

NW: How has technology and the internet impacted your music career?

V: Technology and the internet have had a very positive impact on my music career. As an independent artist and producer, I love having access to the latest production software and the ability to share my creations within days online. I know that's pretty standard for today, but I remember when you had to jump through a ton of hoops to get content out there so I appreciate it greatly. Promotion and exposure to a larger audience has been a major plus as well.

NW: Do you have any advice for other up-and-coming musicians trying to make it in the industry?

V: Be yourself. Watch your circle. Be ready to go it alone, if necessary. Be consistent. Be smart. Have fun. Understand what success means to you before seeking validation anywhere else. I prefer the independent route as being a signed artist was limiting for me, so I may be biased about this.

NW: What are your long-term goals and aspirations?

V: I am interested in script writing and filmmaking. I've had a love of theater for as long as I remember. I also would like to write a few great books in my lifetime. I want to continue with music and explore other genres throughout my career and open a art gallery at some point. I am a painter, sculptor, and designer and would love to expand in that area as well.

NW: Can you share a memorable moment from your musical journey so far?

V: Returning to the studio after over a decade. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt. It was as if I never left. I also loved collaborating with new and older artists. There is nothing like working together on a passion project with like minds.

NW: Can you share a little about your creative process and how you come up with new ideas for songs?

V: I am deeply connected to instrumental music. I seek to merge with the energy and mood of the beat. Ideas come flooding in and I just start writing. Other times, I have a specific message I want to express and write stories and poems that eventually become songs as well.

NW: What song, ep or album of yours would you recommend to someone who is listening to your music for the first time?

V: A song I'd recommend is Life Codes, on the album also titled Life Codes. It's a very personal song and provides the best understanding of what I am about as a person and artist. I wanted to share what I learned about myself and the world during a major growth period in my life. Anyone can take something valuable from that song.


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